Saturday, August 6, 2011

In search of hardware

Now that I'm gearing up for some serious DIY furniture revamping, I've been on the hunt for materials to complete the projects.  I'm awaiting a shipment of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint (which I can't wait to try!) in order to redo an old French chest of drawers for my younger daughter's room, and it's got me thinking seriously about the dresser that's been in my bedroom for the last 27 years.  It was in no great shape, but passable and inexpensive, when I bought it way back in 1984 at a consignment shop while sharing a house with a group of fellow recent college graduates:

 My first furniture purchase!

 Resale and Consigmment, Hope Street, Stamford, Connecticut
I knew even then that refinishing it, even professionally (which I could not dream of affording at that time) would be practically impossible given the veneer and decorative molding and painting, so I just let it sit and deteriorate over the next several decades.

Missing bits and pieces
The dresser has been in daily use, and several of the drawer pulls have been MIA for quite some time now.  It's actually ridiculous that I have not replaced it, but how can I part with something that I have owned all my adult life, and which has accompanied me all around the world, from Stamford, Connecticut to Japan, to England, and again back to the States?  There's way too great an emotional attachment to ever just give it away! So, now that I've found the chalk paint....can I find replacement drawer pulls?  The problem is that the current handles, which are sort of a neo-classical design, are 3 1/2" apart on center.  My quest: find ready-made drawer pulls to fit so that I don't have to fill the current holes and redrill!

Very sad indeed

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